
photo by R. Kelly Clipperton

We’re a proudly indie design duo that have been working together for over 20 years on a wide variety of creative projects.

Since 1999 we’ve run  BBJ Pop Merch (formerly known as Barbie’s Basement Jewellery), where we create a line of text-based, customizable tees, sweats, hats and other garments. Our legacy line of handmade image-based, pop-culture-inspired fashion accessories, gifts and home décor still has a place there too. 

Ange Beever has returned to painting in recent years, applying her fine arts education to redirecting existing paintings and prints into absurd and delightful new works. See and learn more about her Original Covers. Her skills and experience have also led her into the Toronto film and tv industry as a scenic painter and props worker.

This site is dedicated to archiving various art and design objects, installations and performances we have created – some by ourselves and some that were collaborations with other artists.  We love to join forces with the skills and talents of others; what a great way to learn and stretch our own abilities!

We hope you’ll enjoy looking around… and pop back to see what else has been dug out of the years of CDs, flyers and files.  Feel free to drop us a line with any questions, comments or project proposals (except marriage proposals – we’re taken).

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